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How to make my work observable

120 words half bake thought for the impatient: According to Bryce Williams having an Observable Work is half of Working Out Loud. Working Out Loud = Observable Work + Narrating Your Work It makes sense for me but as a knowledge worker I realize I have no clue on how to make my work viewable […]

My Workspace, My work processes

I wrote this post after reading Helen’s post and taking a long detour by Casey Niestat’s videos on his Wildly Functional Studio. I admit: I smiled a lot. Instead of using all the real estate on Helen’s blog, I’ll try to take another habit of responding on my blog. In a word, I’m somewhere halfway […]

My Following Policy

My conclusion is that “A following policy cannot be finalized”. I started this post and didn’t complete it as I couldn’t find any conclusion. 8 Months later I realize it’s just an ever open topic: it will never end. Following, not following, tools and practices change constantly and we need to adapt. It’s an example […]

The weekly routine of #PKMChat – Before the party

#PKMChat starts to be like an old friend for me. It rythms my week. While the first two weeks were busy catering for details or automating stuff, it leads now to more value-added tasks. The first week I was running behind schedule slowly and slowly discovering the hidden part of a twitter chat. It’s like […]

Twitter Chats rituals

Did you already participate to a twitter chat? You will notice that each chat has it’s ritual. The ritual pretty much define the voice of the chat. When I started #PKMChat I took time to observe existing rituals and introductions from other chats. Being a techie guy I turn it into a feature of Kneaver […]

How to write questions for Twitter Chats

Needs for Contents Planning

Sunday Afternoon. I started the day with the firm intention to write first. This is my goal for 2015 and I want to ramp up in my practice of sharing what I know. 17:00 Still nothing written 🙂 What happened ? While I don’t lack topics or ideas for posts I’m mostly blocked by the […]

#PLN for organisations

I was inspired by Helen’s post on pitching a CEO the value of PLN. It’s very complete, a deep analyse, of the topic. I’m more in the situation where people ask me about this or that or I’m selling. This is the position I adopted. I eventually wrote a presentation as if I was selling or consulting […]

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