Using the sand box demo implies full acceptance of our conditions and guidelines below.
There is no need to signin. Your user name will be "demo".
Enter the Sand Box (If you get an error, try again again)
Suggestions on what can be done on the SandBox
– If Start Describing My Knowledge is present, click on it, Press "Save" and start adding more contents using the blue + sign.
If My Knowledge is present clic on it and start adding more contents using the blue + sign.
– On any item you can add comments using the comment icon.
Edit Any item using the blue edit icon and Change the type.
Use the combo box on the left panel: This allows you to reach any item at once.
Use the tree view on lower left : this allows to explore the contents using common filters.
Start your Own Base. Our free evaluation allows you to work on your own data, as long as you wish, for free. Check here:
Conditions and Guidelines
The contents is disgarded every few hour. Meanwhile
- you cannot use this trial to enter any offensive or illegal information.
- You cannot add links to external web sites with offensive or illegal contents.
- You cannot promote any web site.
Note that the sand box is stopped every hour and fullly reset. Reset occurs at exact hours (8 AM, 9 AM etc) [Add 30 minutes for India]. At this time your contents will be lost and the connection interrupted for a few minutes.