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A PKM Clean start

It took me a while to realize that I don’t have a PKM framework and an associated strategy. Wait! Bruno, you, the bright mastermind of Kneaver, the killing PKM app you don’t have a well-crafted, super exciting framework to offer? So it means you just pretended? No, this was an aha moment I had while […]

Ideas for Personal Learning in Organisations

I read this morning a post from Helen Blunden which inspired me a few suggestions for L&D. Helen ends her post on “we now know that learning is personal so how do you design experiences that allow people to learn in this manner?” When I reached this line I though for myself, what would I […]

The Tao of Twitter lists

Tao is an ancient Chinese philosophy that influenced Zen a Japanese lifestyle practice. I named my post like this because I felt that those ideas and guidelines will let you regain a Zen-like practice of Twitter and social media. To master something and reach zen-itude we need to understand the forces and concepts underneath and […]

The Compass of an Independent Learner

An independent learner is a lifelong self-directed learner who retain the control of his compass. He resists to influencers, react moderately to short-term events, and keep his eyes fixed on his final objectives. The Compass is Fragile and Precious Back in sail long haul navigation, the compass was a fragile yet overly precious part of […]

UX 30 days Suck Challenge

This is an initiative started by @Violeta that I joined for my commitment to make progress on UX although I start from very low. I have permission to suck for 30 days! (will be on UX at https://t.co/EZssBdFKjU) Get yours from @VioletaNedkova. https://t.co/uFR4pkNiZS — Bruno Winck (@brunowinck) March 3, 2016 I’m going to do it […]

How you can use Email Aliases for Subscribing

Don’t compromise your email address to get information Use case: You want this great whitepaper but it comes with a price tag: you are asked for an email address. In fact you are really subscribing to a string of emails in the future. Download after download your inbox becomes more cluttered. This new service seems […]

Micro-Processes in Learning and KM for the Agile Knowledge Worker

Last summer #PKMChat explored some Learning and Knowledge Management practices in the form of a Periodical Table. If we dive into each of those practices with an electronic microscope as we dive into atoms we can find smaller processes. I called them KM MicroProcesses. At the other end of the scale, we have frameworks like […]

Paleo Learning Technology

Back to the Trees! I ventured for 2 years in the Learning and Development community to deepen my knowledge on Learning. I was surprised by the buzz around informal learning, formal learning, and social learning. I think it’s fine to reinstate informal and social learning but not to appropriate ownership as if it was an […]

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