Capture key terms from reading

I capture key terms while reading. It can be from news, books, web pages, MOOC courses. First, keep a link, a reference. I put a number on each book so that I can reference them with a small number. I like the number to be easy to type and memorize over short periods. That’s why […]

Why copying is not so good

It is tempting to copy a few paragraphs of wikipedia in a newly created item. It is tempting to copy a page from a book which is precisely explaining what this new item is about with far more clarity then we have. But is it not a good practice. Kneaver is not about keeping as […]

How to turn a sketch into a clean computer image

A simple process to turn a hand drawn sketch into a vector image than can be later edited, reused in other drawings. Vector drawings are also sharper and can be displayed perfectly on every screen resolution. They can be zoomed and stay readble. Now days most graphics and icons are designed as vector strokes and […]